SPARTA DRIVE-IN RULES Click Here for Parking Rules PLEASE BE COURTEOUS OF PLEASE READ BELOW RULES... In order to maintain a safe and fun environment, guests agree by our rules of conduct stated below to answer all inquires of management. Furthermore, it is understood that guest that fails to comply with any of these conditions, at the discretion of management, forfeit their right to legally remain on the premises, and will be considered a trespasser. 1. Hold on to your ticket stubs at all times during your visit to our drive-in. If you are not able to provide your ticket stubs when requested, you will be required to leave the drive-in immediately with no refund. 2. Follow all instructions from parking attendants. Any guests who do not cooperate reasonably with a parking lot attendant will forfeit their right to remain on the premises, and will be considered a trespasser. PLEASE KEEP YOUR PARTY, BLANKETS AND CHAIRS IN OR IN FRONT OF YOUR VEHICLE. ALSO PLEASE BE COURTEOUS OF OTHERS WHEN SMOKING OR VAPING. 3. All vans, SUVs, large trucks, big jeeps, blazers, station wagons and other large vehicles, including all hatchbacks may only park in the fourth row and back. Raised hatchbacks must be tied down to roof level of all larger trucks, vans or other large vehicles, No Exceptions. Attendants & Security have finial authority of where you may park. (also see rule 19) 4. All vehicles must park within 2 Feet of the post to provide enough spaces for all guests to park comfortably. 5. The Speed Limited is 5 MPH. Please observe this for the safety of everyone. 6. Obscene Language will not be tolerated. 7. Guns, alcohol, drugs, laser pointers, bicycles, skateboards or fireworks are not allowed at the drive-in. Any person found in the possession of any of these items will be ejected with no refund. 8. No cooking, grilling, or food preparation is allowed on drive-in property. 9. No vehicles lighting is allowed while movies are being shown. Headlights, parking lights, and all interior lights must remain off. Also no neon lighting. No exceptions. 10. Each vehicle is entitled to one parking space. If you are sitting outside the vehicle, do not occupy another parking space. 11. Show consideration for the guests parking around you. Do not use loud voices, horns, radios (other then the movie playing radio), or any type of sounds loud enough to disturb other guests. Also please be considerate of others view of the screen. Objects that restrict the view of the drive-in screen are prohibited to be used (this includes any pop-up tents/canopies). 12. No same re-admission after you leave. Patrons leaving the drive-in will be charged the full admission to 13. Walk to concession stand and rest rooms. Do Not Drive, unless handicapped. 14. NO CASH REFUNDS, NO RAIN CHECKS. 15. When sitting outside of your car in Chairs, it is prohibited to Lie on the ground. You will be asked to move. You may sit on ground at picnic area and the grass area in front of the screen. 16. When cars leave the drive-in, please Exit to the Right of the screen. Before you move your vehicle, be cautious of people surrounding your car, at all times when moving. 17. This is a family atmosphere drive-in. If you are caught gathering in groups outside of your vehicle in a loud disturbing manner, you will have to leave the premises. 18. Parents: when children are at play (in area under the screen) make sure when over lights go out for the movie to start that your children are safe with you. Play time may start back when lights come back on and movie is over. 19. Cars only in the first 3 rows. All other vehicles must park in any other row starting at the fourth row. This is effective no matter how many vehicles are on the lot. (also see rule 3) Thank you